National Dairy Month: Where to Find Alice
A list of where you can find 74th Alice in Dairyland, Julia Nunes, at National Dairy Month events during the last stretch of her term.
My term as the 74th Alice in Dairyland is coming to an end and I am so excited to be finishing my experience as Alice with the celebration of National Dairy Month!
National Dairy Month and it is a time to give thanks and highlight our state’s dairy farmers and processors. One of my favorite things about National Dairy Month is having the opportunity visit farms around the state for dairy breakfasts, farm tours, and more. No two farms are the same and it is exciting to see how each farm operates differently. I look forward to traveling Wisconsin and attending many dairy related events to finish up my time as Alice.
Here is a tentative list of events you may be able to find me at during National Dairy Month!
Friday, June 3: West Salem June Dairy Days Kickoff Luncheon
Friday, June 3 (evening): Marshfield Dairyfest
Saturday, June 4: Rock County Dairy Breakfast
Saturday, June 4: Cows on the Concourse at Capitol Square
Saturday, June 4: Sun Prairie Farmers Market
Saturday, June 4 (evening): Salute to Cows Night with the Wisconsin “Udder Tuggers” at Fox Cities Stadium
Saturday, June 11: 27th Annual Dunn County Dairy Promotion Breakfast
Saturday, June 11: Rusk County Dairy Breakfast
Saturday, June 18: 45th Annual Walworth County Farm Bureau Dairy Breakfast
Saturday, June 18: Watertown Agribusiness Club Dairy Breakfast at Crave Brothers Farm
Tuesday, June 21: Tour of America’s Dairyland Bike Race in West Allis
Wednesday, June 22: Farmer Appreciation Dinner in Chippewa Falls
Thursday, June 23: Widmer’s Cheese 100 Year Celebration
Saturday, June 25: Dairy Agstravaganza in Waupaca
Saturday, June 25: Winnebago County Farm Bureau Dairy Promotion Committee Grilled Cheese Drive Thru
Sunday, June 26: Colby Dairy Breakfast
Sunday, June 26: Waushara County June Dairy Breakfast
Sunday, June 26: Tour of America’s Dairyland Bike Race in Wauwatosa
Wednesday, June 29: Lake Mills Farmers Market
You can also celebrate National Dairy Month and support local dairy farmers by including dairy products in your diet and looking for Wisconsin dairy products in stores. Learn more at
Find me at June Dairy Month events across the state and follow my journey on social media by searching for Alice in Dairyland on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. I have absolutely loved serving as an ambassador for Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture industry as the 73rd and 74th Alice in Dairyland. Thank you for following my journey and for supporting Wisconsin’s farmers and processors by buying Wisconsin products in stores.