Meet Jacqui Hilliard
Adventure is right here in Adams County!

Eating raspberries as fast as I could pick them. Catching and trying to get farm kittens to love me. Playing cops and robbers the night before my FFA chapter hosts “Day at the Farm” at my friend’s dairy farm. Being excited to share with eager fourth graders about the happenings on a farm and the possibilities of agriculture at this event.
My name is Jacqui Hilliard and these are a few of the memories that kick-started my adventures in agriculture. Growing up on my parents’ grain farm in Wisconsin Dells and my involvement in FFA and Adams County 4-H led me to pursue a lifelong career as an agricultural enthusiast.
Through 4-H and FFA, I was able to have countless agriculture adventures and meet lasting friends. Some of my best memories were made at the Adams County Fair as I prepared to show everything from calves in the Tiny Tot show to blueberry turnovers and sewn homecoming dresses.

FFA allowed me to carry over my passion for agriculture into college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I served as the president of the Collegiate FFA chapter. Other professional organizations I was involved with on campus included Badger Crops Club, the Horticulture Society and the UW Marching Band. Working as a student intern for the West Madison Agriculture Research Station and Allen Centennial Garden on campus helped me learn about various industries and to explore my interests.

After graduating last year with a Bachelor of Science in horticulture and agronomy, I jumped right into the agriculture workforce and joined McKay Nursery, a landscaping company in Waterloo. I work as an Assistant Plant Propagator planting up to 20,000 landscape plants a day in the summer. This position has shown me how diverse Wisconsin’s agriculture industry really is.
Thinking back on all of the opportunities presented to me through Wisconsin agriculture, I am so thankful for being able to grow up in this community. As the 71st Alice in Dairyland selection process continues, I am excited to represent the host county of Adams and continue to create lifelong friendships and adventures in agriculture.